
a symptom of a disturbed
acoustic perception!

Hearing loss

the loss of one's ability
to communicate


the increased sensitivity
to loud noises

Vestibular disorders

balance lost

Tinnitus clinic Dr. Hesse

Even though the disease may be localized in the hearing- and the vestibular system: it is the whole person who must be treated!

For more than 20 years we have been focussing on the treatment of diseases of the auditory centre and the vestibular system and their consecutive symptoms.

What makes the treatment in our tinnitus clinic so special is the interlocking of neuro-otologic (ENT specialist) competence and psychosomatic treatment approaches. This interlocking is based on detailed diagnostics of the entire hearing- and vestibular system at the highest scientific standard.

The refoundation of the clinic at the end of 2008 thus continues the long-time tradition of tinnitus treatment in Bad Arolsen under the direction of its founder, Adj. Professor Dr. Gerhard Hesse.

In addition, the new site on the premises of the Bad Arolsen hospital, an acute care hospital, guarantees utmost competence in all medical issues.

Outpatient competence centre

Neuro-otologic and psychosomatic diagnostics

In our "Ohr- und Hörinstitut Hesse(n)" (Hesse Ear- and Hearing Institute), which has been designed for dealing with hearing and the vestibular system, we examine people suffering from tinnitus symptoms, hyperacusis and vestibular disorders. 

The entire auditory system and the functions of the vestibular system can be examined to the greatest extent, applying state-of-the-art technology and psychosomatic competence.


Please contact us via

0 56 91 800 330


