Neuro-otologic and psychosomatic diagnostics
In our "Ohr- und Hörinstitut Hesse(n)" (Hesse Ear- and Hearing Institute), which has been designed for dealing with hearing and the vestibular system, we examine people suffering from tinnitus symptoms, hyperacusis and vestibular disorders.
The entire auditory system and the functions of the vestibular system can be examined to the greatest extent, applying state-of-the-art technology and psychosomatic competence.
Thus also the interplay of physical and emotional factors that may cause suffering from tinnitus, hyperacusis or vestibular disorders, can be captured, so that at the end of an examination (half-) day we will have collected a comprehensive jigsaw puzzle of events, starting from which at least the direction of the further treatment steps will be understood and adapted to the case at hand.